
 Expecting a rickroll, maybe? Yeah, this isn't one of those. Sorry to disappoint if you were waiting for the soothing sound of Rick Astley's voice.
 In actuality, what you've stumbled upon is my secret corner of the internet. The edge, the dregs, whatever you want to call it. I don't have an official name yet, and I probably never will.
 Not really a huge fan of labeling things, unless I do it with a labelmaker. Labelmakers are most excellent.

a few more things

 This is like an extension of my personhood. You'll find all sorts of random thoughts, movie recommendations, art, stuff you can buy, really just whatever I feel like coding.
 If you check my blog often enough, sometimes you can get stuff from me irl. I might be carrying around some cool stickers, or something. You never know.
 I'm very cool and mysterious.

  • -I may also have pirate links and tutorials up from time to time, and I'm not talking about how to sail the seven seas. Don't post these anywhere else. That's how these sites get deleted, homeslice. You can(privately!)share them with your friends, though.
  • -The art page might take a bit to load. Sorry about that
  • -This isn't a place of judgement. I'm doing whatever I want on here, that's how it works. I couldn't care less about what people find embarrassing or weird. All these rules are made up, and I'm not wasting my life trying to follow them. If you don't like it, you can, you know, leave. Just be nice to people.
  • Well, that's about it for an introduction. Thanks for checking this place out, even if it wasn't what you expected. Leave some suggestions in the comments, if you are so inclined. Or not. Do whatever you want forever.